Wednesday, September 12

#1 The MMA Chicken Shawarma Bus Massacre... also TF2 and Fallout

Well, other than my abusive use of the word 'like', a bit of fuzz and bad mic&nbsp;etiquette ITS DONE! &nbsp;We decided to not write or direct the first straight recording. We wanted a natural feel and the attempt was pretty&nbsp;successful. &nbsp;When you put your podcast on the internet you do not host the actual mp3 on your site because the files are too big. &nbsp;So you have to seek a host!<br />
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Podomatic: &nbsp;This is a free to use service. &nbsp;It may put adds in your file, but as a learning experience Billy and I dont really care to much about that (for now!!! duh duh duhhhhhhhh). &nbsp;They have an easy upload, title, publish format that anyone can really operate. &nbsp;The file seems to be a little bigger than the one I&nbsp;uploaded&nbsp;so my guess is random adds will be in this recording.<br />
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Next Step: RSS feeds and why they are important, and how to make/subscribe to them! TIME TO CALL THE HOTLINE YOU JUST GOT DUNKED ON SON

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