Monday, September 10

Name: Stealth Maneuver

Ok, quick update!  We purchased for $10 and rounded it to $11 as there was an option to round the cost up to donate to charity!  We donated 80 cents to the juvenile diabetes foundation.  Our other options were somthign about the arizona humanity fund and like the haiti fund so... yeah we gave money to diabetes because we know people living with it.  I require some research on how to set it up, but in the mean time I set up a forwarding address to bring you here when you type www or just "" and that makes us happy.

A side note, why the christ is 10$ and 2000$.  Honestly, there was like another one and that was something like 700$.  WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE!  

PS:  No pic on the post as I am way too tired.  I did manage to actually make a picture when Billy suggested a possible costume for Halloween.  I guess I will end up posting it after all.  Yes, we all know it involves a bag of dicks!



  1. That is totally a bag o dicks over carlton from fresh prince. Billy found the tshirt and then i got this wonderful idea.

  2. HAHA from listening to the #1 podcast i totally exaggerated about the costs for all of the domain names except for That one was seriously like over 2000$ i swear! +1 for beer!
